Presbytery Meeting
Presbytery of Boise Called Meeting
This is your official call to the special meeting of the Boise Presbytery, August 24 at 10 am. We will be meeting at First Presbyterian Church, 209 Fifth Ave. N., Twin Falls, ID, jointly with the Presbytery of Kendall. Because we are traveling, we highly recommend carpooling. Please let me know if you need a ride or have a ride to give.
The purpose of the meeting is to receive the report of the Synod Transitions Task Group and for each presbytery to act on the report’s recommendations: (a) request approval of the Synod of the Pacific to merge the presbyteries of Boise and Kendall and (b) matters related to the implementation of recommendations. The more specific motions are contained in the attached meeting handbook.
We anticipate the meeting to last until 3 pm, with lunch. Visitors are certainly welcome, along with congregational commissioners and minister members. However, only commissioners and ministers will be allowed to speak on the floor or to vote. Because we will have lunch together, would you please let me know if you plan to attend.
See you in 10 days!
Rachel Yates
Transitional Presbyter/Stated Clerk
Boise Presbytery